Today you can start using these 8 idioms about happiness when you are happy and want to share it with others. You will also find the examples with explanations of these idioms under the infographic.今天,當你想把快樂并想與他人分享時,你可以開始使用這8個關于幸福的習語。您還可以在信息圖表下找到解釋這些習語的示例。
1. Having a whale of a time
have a very good time, have an exciting or fun time
How was your birthday party?
Oh great, there were a lot of friends, we were playing games and dancing, we really had a whale of a time.哦,太好了,有很多朋友,我們在玩游戲和跳舞,我們真的玩得很開心。
I was very afraid of the history exam, and when I managed to pass it, I was on cloud nine, I invited all my friends to a drink in the local pub.我非常害怕歷史考試,當我成功通過時,我喜出望外,邀請我所有的朋友在當地的酒吧里喝一杯。
very much pleased or entertained
I suggest picking some flowers for your girlfriend. I’m sure she’ll be tickled pink and she won’t refuse your proposal.我建議給你女朋友采些花。我敢肯定她會被逗樂的,她不會拒絕你的求婚。
feeling wonderful, glorious, ecstatic
Since he was promoted to the position he had desired for ages, he feels glorious, he’s sitting on top of the world.自從他被提升到他渴望已久的職位,他感到光榮,他坐在世界之巔。
very happy and comfortable
When her parents left for holiday, she was happy as a clam staying alone in the house.
excited for something that’s going to happen
I’m buzzing for the holidays. Imagine, we’re going on a diving trip in Greece.
extremely pleased and happy
Do you remember how happy we were when we first stayed out for a night? We were over the moon.你還記得我們第一次在外過夜的時候有多開心嗎?我們樂翻了天。
Real happiness is when you work for it. I’m sure you’ll be in seventh heaven when you get your first salary and buy a scooter.